Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Blessings I received Last 2013

Just got my first hair cut for this year. :-)

I posted my photo on my FB wall and many people liked my post. Most of them wrote that I look younger with my new hair cut.

I'm not a 'Papansin" type but I can't deny the fact that I love the attention that I am getting and their positive feedback regarding my new look... Then I got a PM from a friend and asked me "What's the hair cut is all about?"

I was surprised and amazed because he is the only one who guessed that there's a meaning for cutting my hair short.

I told him that the new hair cut is my way of saying to my self that this year will be a new year for me. I already prunned the old me so that a new one could sprout.

He again asked me why so I ended up telling him my struggles during 2013. After hearing me out, he told me that yes, I had my difficulties but I should not think about that and instead, I should count all my blessings... And these are the blessings that I had counted.

List of blessings I received last 2013

  1. I have a family who loves me and supported me in all my decisions
  2. I have friends that I know who will be there for me
  3. I still have money even though it's been 9 months that I do not have a regular work
  4. I can still make some "raket" in  my former office because I did not burn the bridge
  5. I had a kind and generous boss who gave me money and a spa gift card  on my last day of work. She also said told me she is very thankful for the 16 years service I gave to the company (I'm really touched with my former boss gesture)
  6. I have a Christian community who's giving me spiritual nourishment and support
  7. My brother is now the one paying for the house rent even thought I did not asked him. He is also buying groceries for our needs
  8. I am still alive. Many people already passed away and being alive means that I always have the opportunity to do the things I wanted to do
  9. I have sickness but I am not bed ridden
  10. I am literate. I have a college degree 
  11. I am now enrolled in an e-learning course that can help me with my career (and not everybody can afford to enroll here :-))
  12. I have an internet 3 mbps connection at home 
  13. I am a computer savvy. I do not know everything but at least I know more that what an average computer user does
  14. I have a house to live. Although I am just renting it  and the house is not that beautiful because it is very old and made out of wood, but the house rental is cheap (same rent for 7 years)
  15. I always have food on my table
  16. My family are still alive. Although most of them are in the province,  but they are just a call and text away