Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lawis, Burdeos Quezon - an undiscovered paradise

     Burdeos, Quezon is the native land of my brother-in-law & our family have a chance to visit the beautiful place.
      It took us 5 hours to travel by motor boat from Infanta, Quezon to Lawis, Burdeos Quezon. (Actually the ride will only took 2 hours but there are many passengers from the other island going to our destination so the boat pick them up). Its tiring but we are very lucky because the weather that day is great for sea travel.
     The place is remote & lack of modern facilities but the people are very warm & accommodating.
  • There are no toilet,but our host constructed a toilet because they know that we will arrive (thank you Lord)
  • There are no potable water .Deep well are available in the vicinity but the water is salty because the place is just near the beach. There is a spring in which the villagers get water for drinking, bathing & laundry but it is located near the foot of the mountain. They say its far and we are all overwhelmed when we saw two drums already filled with water when we arrive.
  • There are no electricity but there is a generator shared by households to give light during the night (they can only watch tv during the night when the generator are on. Few people got tv sets and their houses are open to neighbors who like to watch.
  • And lastly, there are no cell sites but the people know each other & the place is small so communication is not a problem within the area. (you can really relax because your boss & office mates can't call :-) )
     The island offers great beaches & mangroves. People's source of livelihood includes fishing, snail(balirit) gathering & other land produce like banana & coconut.
locals gathering shells & snails during low tide


man & child on a boat

 We also saw a peculiar crab called kurai who live even beside peoples houses. Its hairy & the clamps are big. We catch & cook some.Its very delicious and tasty and got different taste compared to the crabs can be normally bought in the market.

       Its also my first time to see Kibal - a nipa fruit. They will peel the outer layer and boil the inside then caramelize before eating. Its is a good ingredient for halo-halo.
     The ocean is just in front of the house doorsteps so we can swim whenever we want. We can also pick some shells & snails during low tide & ride a boat to visit the other island.
     Our 4 days stay seems short & i really wanted to go back to that island to see more of natures creation.This island is really a paradise.

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