Thursday, May 19, 2011


Its funny how God uses people to wake you up in an indolent  situation. Some times he uses crazy events to tug you, to pull you, to take you away from you idleness

Last year, I became a member and a dealer of 1 company carrying vitamins and beauty products and excitedly talk to my office mates, friends & family about it, but very few people buy the product. I have been idle for sometime with my dealership because i have this feeling that i am really not a seller. I cannot convince the people of the beauty , authencity & heath benefits of the product.

But last week, Alas! One of my male officemate has been invited by his cousin in the product briefing.and after some thought also become a dealer because he have high hopes of the product, its benefits & the money that he will get from the sales.

He sells many that day and it really shakes me off from my sleep. I suddenly realize that maybe the product is not the problem, its my way of selling & my approach to my customer.

I now have somebody to compete with the product sales but i am revive because of that incident, i am now more energize, more active and more enthusiastic in selling my product.

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